
massage what is it and why we need it ?

 As a licensed massage therapist now going on 5 years I've blessed to be able to help all kinds of people with problems and chronic pain . Many ask why a massage ? Simple your body is a organic machine and if you keep it in tune it'll last you a lifetime . As humans we have the ability of healing ourselves called homeostasis , it's achieved when we are in the deepest of sleep r.e.m. to be exact . when this happens our body uses a filtration system that runs thru the muscles directly  which passes thru metabolic waste and lactic acid . It's filtered out thru our sweat and urine . This is a very healthy and normal process but when our muscles are very tender and tense the tissue is very tough and doesn't allow this process to take place so what happens is that it stores underneath the tissue.  this is reffered to as inflammation. When this happens our bodies feel numerous symptoms like aching , pain , and general discomfort.  It can also cause headaches,  fatigue, ran